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Fortune Cookie Wisdom

August 6, 2014

fortune cooky stripsI always save the little strips from fortune cookies. Sure, they’re generic but, simple soul that I am, I can usually find wisdom in those few words. At the very least, they provide good conversation – usually accompanied by laughter and some gentle teasing. Here are a few samples from a recent family dinner at a local Chinese restaurant:

 Do not mistake temptation for opportunity.

I assumed this one wasn’t intended for me, so I passed it along to my son, who, in turn, passed it across the table to his son. On second thought, though, maybe it’s advice we can all use. Temptation does indeed often seem like opportunity – and actually sometimes it is. Sometimes yielding to temptation reveals a new path, which could be good or bad. The advice both my son and I hoped to convey to my grandson is to stop and think before acting on temptation – and maybe, just maybe, he’ll avoid some of pitfalls offered by the wrong path.

It is sometimes better to travel hopefully than to arrive.

No argument with this one. We love taking long car trips, always with the hope of seeing something new and surprising – and we’re seldom disappointed. A journey, begun with hope,  is one of the best experiences life has to offer. Not that arriving is bad, but  journeys are full of promise.

 Don’t be surprised by the emergence of undiscovered talents.

Since I’m deep into a new book – at the point where I need to deliver on the promises made in my riveting (typed that with crossed fingers) first chapters – this is a most welcome thought.

 There will be many surprises; unexpected gains are likely.

Another welcome thought for the reason mentioned above. To tell the truth, I have no doubt that at least the first part of this prediction will come true. There are always surprises in writing, moments when one of my characters surprises me by taking over the reins and leading me where I need to go. Love it when that happens! Almost as much fun, sometimes I’ll surprise myself with a description that reveals something about the plot that I wasn’t aware of before. As for the second part, that unexpected gains are likely – crossing my fingers again.

Stop wishing. Start doing.

Okay. No need to interpret what this one means. It’s just good, solid advice – and a message to me that it’s time to uncross my fingers and get to work.

One  final thought, not from a cookie, but from the heart: wishing good fortune to all who read this.



6 Comments leave one →
  1. Marielena permalink
    August 6, 2014 4:53 PM

    Brilliant and entertaining post, Sandy. I absolutely love this!

  2. August 6, 2014 8:55 PM

    Sandy, they make me think of my horoscope which I read faithfully every day and which is always wrong, far afield. Like “You’ll enjoy a romantic interlude tonight” or “Fortune is headed your way.” I’m a skeptic but I always cling to the hope those things are true. Same of fortune cookies.

    • August 7, 2014 5:54 AM

      Oh, Judy, I read my horoscope every morning, too, and it’s always wrong, but, as with fortune cookies, I can usually find some tidbit in there that fits. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. August 8, 2014 12:16 AM

    Hi Sandy–
    I’m happy to know I’m not the only one who saves good fortunes! I especially liked, “It is sometimes better to travel hopefully than to arrive.” To me that means enjoy the journey and that’s something I try to do. Nice post!

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